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Oh Yes!
Ive got two successful stocking trips in. There is something magical about watching those little fish swim off into a wonderful lake. :jaws:
Thank you to those special TB’s that have helped me take these first baby steps towards membership. Im so happy to be around so many like minded fisherpersons.
Im still available weekends and mondays if anyone needs a mule! Id would love to get at least 2 more trips in at least this year.
May 28, 2009 at 8:10 pm in reply to: Save Fish Stocking within the North Cascades National Park #87018I sent my emails off today and here is the letter I got back today!
Dear Dr. Cowart:
Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R.2430, which is currently pending in the United States House of Representatives. I appreciate knowing your views on this matter.
In the Senate, this legislation would fall under the jurisdiction of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. While I am not a member of that Committee, I want to assure you that I will be following the progress of this bill and will keep your views in mind if this or related legislation comes before the full Senate for consideration.
Again, thank you for contacting me. I hope you will continue to keep in touch.
I hope all is well in Seattle.
Thanks for the heads up Brian.
Good job on the interview Sandy. I think you are really doing a nice job on this. You sound really level headed, honest, and you get all the important information about the issue out quickly and concisely.
Dear Trailblazers!
Just want to put this up to the top of the list again.
I am available most weekends and mondays this spring/summer for stocking. So if you need a mule, who wont talk your ear off, who keeps up, who knows how to crawl through brush, and will pay for your gas or even drive you. Just PM me please.
Im going to attach a picture of just what kind of sportsman you are getting with me. Notice me and the dog looking in awe of this fine specimen. I believe you all call them a slabber. 😕
PS i wont bring the dog with me. Although she did chase off a sow that i stumbled on that trip. I was 15 yards away from her and her cub.
:rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: 😯 :rain: :rain: :rain:
yes exactly like that. That ridge gave me the willies in sun. I cant believe you went up there when it looked like that!
I went last summer to all of them. The road walk is terrible. It ads 6 – 7 miles round trip. However those lakes were all getting too many visitors. Boulder gets the worst visitors. Garbage, rotten food and feces around the lake. (leave no trace people!) Otherwise its a pretty place and worth visiting, just not really for the fishing. Making it all the way to crater now is a full days walk and includes technical cross country travel. There is some scary exposure, not bad for the experienced but you could easily die if you slipped in a few spots. You would not want to be on that ridge in anything but nice weather. I needed Ice axe and crampons for two steepish snow crossings in Late Late season. The crater fishing is definitely a fable, it was poor, (little dinkers). I saw no sign of fish in pear or the twins on the other side.
I would expect bigfoot scat to look very much like bear scat. I would assume they would have a very similar diet. I also would expect there to be bear scat anywhere there were bigfoot, and probably in much higher abundance. Ive seen mountain gorrilla and chimpanzi in the wild and if they didnt want you to notice them you would never ever see them.
Ive still never seen wolverine, bobcat, or mountain lion in person yet. I hope i never see anything close to a bigfoot.
Its cool to see your list. I really like to keep my pack weight down and its nice to know the brands of your equipment. I often think about trying the PCT someday. You are the first person I know to have done it…
Thanks for encouraging me into finally attending the meeting last night. I rather enjoyed it. Seems like a nice slice of humanity trying to help out where our government can fall short (monetarily, man hours, surveys, ect). I hope I can help.
josh -