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    • #81412

        So on my way up to Alpine area tommorrow, I wanna get into the creeks on the way up/down. Of course, if they are fishable. You guys have any pointers?
        I recenty fished Buck Creek with good success. Caught a georgeous rainbow on one of my last casts just before I left the campground. Aboot 13″. Got a bunch of small Dollies too.

      • #85589
        Brian Curtis

          I don’t end up fishing the creeks all that often so I don’t have a lot of advice I can offer. I normally end up either at the lakes or on my way there. I do end up saying “that looks like a great pool” a lot.

        • #85590

            the deal with the creeks are the flatter the section, the better the fishing. There are exceptions to this though. If i remember correctly, the creeks on the way to Lake Dorothy are pretty steep gradient. You generally want to seek out creeks that fall less than 100ft per mile. So with the exsception of a plunge pool somewhere below a small waterfall on the creek, your not gonna find much fishing up near lake dorothy one the creeks. The miller river does have decent trout fishing. The river will be low so youll have to find the pools to get any good fishing. Just fish with some dry flies there. Some flies to use are Elk Hair Caddis, Stimulator, Para Adams, adams, and Royal Wulff. I have a feeling i mentioned those flies to you sometime on

          • #85591

              You told me and I went and bought them. Forgot the stimulaters though.
              Ill give the Miller a try. I like creeks a lot. I usually do pretty well fishng rooster tails in the tight spots.

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