Forums Forums Public High Lakes Forum High lakes discussion Golden Broodstock Lake

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    • #81327
      Bob Martin

        My understanding is that the WDFW is no longer buying golden trout eggs from California. If that is the case, has a broodstock lake been found here in Washington from which to gather the golden eggs for future high lake stocking?
        Several months ago, there was some discussion about SMC, Nadeau, or Moolock, (one of those) being used for this purpose but apparently there was a hangup of some sort involving the new owners of the old Weyerhauser land.

      • #85209
        Brian Curtis

          The WDFW is still getting eggs from California. I think it is reasonable speculation that we won’t get any eggs this year (nor may CA) because of the record snows, but the state’s current plan is to continue to get goldens from CA.

          Because we have not been able to obtain eggs from CA in some years, we are proposing that the WDFW set up a broodstock lake to help ensure more consistant fry availability but no brood program has been put in place at this time.

          The new owners of SMC, Moolock, and Nadeau is the state DNR.

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