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    • #81397

        Hey, im going to barclay lake this saturday to fish the ice out. does anyone have any tips for me on the fishing, ive never fished at ice out so any info is good info.

      • #85505
        Brian Curtis

          The water will be cold and the fish won’t be moving around much. They’ll stay in the shade as much as possible. If there are multiple holes in the ice you can fish concentrate on the one in the shade. If you are using lures keep them very slow moving with a lot of action and move them as slowly as possible. A Flatfish can be good at this time. If you are fishing flies try putting them near the edge of the ice. If the fish aren’t coming up to dries try fishing deep at the edge of the ice.

        • #85506

            the fishing sucked, the lake was turning over.

          • #85507
            Brian Curtis

              Fishing typically sucks when the water is too cold so that isn’t unexpected. But I doubt the lake was turning over. A lake like Barclay probably isn’t big and deep enough to stratify. More likely, the water was too cold and the fish weren’t moving around much.

              Was it ice free?

            • #85508

                yep, it was ice free, the lake had snow around it in the exposed spots though. How deep is barclay, the lake had a bunch of debree floating everywhere so i thought it was turning over, plus the temperature was right around 39 degrees.

              • #85509
                Brian Curtis

                  The debris probably came from snow slides during the winter. That is very common. I don’t know how deep Barclay is.

                • #85510

                    that would make sense, while i was there, i heard a few and saw one rock slide/avalanche.

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