Forums Forums Public High Lakes Forum Miscellaneous WTB: Cabin or Land

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    • #114655
      Jason Allen

        Hi Everyone,
        My wife and I used to go backpacking all the time but since we’ve had our daughter we don’t get out anymore. We plan to get out on a few day hikes this summer so we can get our daughter used to the idea of camping, hiking fishing, etc. We both really miss the outdoors.

        However, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to get a weekend away just due to the logistics and everything else life throws at you. So we’ve decided that a cabin or at least a piece of property to potentially build a cabin would be a really good move for us to get back to being outdoors.

        I really have 2 questions: Can anyone recommend as to which locations might be ideal for a home base? Ideally we’d find somewhere 1.5-3 hours east outside of Seattle. Most of the properties that are listed on the MLS are fine but most are in preplanned developments.

        2nd question: Does anyone know of anything for sale? property they can subdivide that wouldn’t mind a neighbor, etc. I know there are quite a few cabins and properties that are sold are not listed. How can I find these, aside from sitting at the bar and the nearest town and talking to the locals. (I almost bought a piece of land this way on the Methow river but wife said it was just a bit too far to drive…now that I of think of it, I met my wife this way also…anyways I digress)

        Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

        • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Jason Allen.
      • #114657
        Brian Curtis

          Thinking about where I would have a cabin if I could have a cabin anywhere is interesting. It is certainly something I have thought about before. I would strongly consider the coast, if I were to get a cabin. But it would be of limited use as a hiking base camp. If you are too close to ski areas I imagine the cost goes way up. The Lake Wenatchee or Leavenworth area would be really nice. Or even something closer to Skykomish. The Salmon-La-Sac area is fantastic. Somewhere out of Granite Falls up the Mountain Loop could be cool, but probably dark and wet for much of the year. But I wonder if an even more interesting and possibly cheaper option would be something in the foothills of the Olympics. Maybe out of Quilcene or Brinnon. It would be a bit longer because of the ferry but that doesn’t count as much as driving for the equivalent time.

          But you should keep in mind that I love spending other people’s money and I have always thought that the problem with owning a cabin is that you will be forced to go to the cabin. Typing that makes me wonder if it would be worth trying to find Air B&Bs or vacation rentals to try out different areas.

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