Forums Forums Public High Lakes Forum High lakes discussion Clearest Lake – Crater, OR

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    • #82494
      bob pfeifer

        Here’s a link:

        134 feet puts our 92 feet to shame. I was last at Crater LNP roughly 15 years ago I am guessing. We took the launch around the lake to show it to the kids, and one of the Park Naturalists was along. He told about doing a study with the USGS that blew me away. He had the disgusting good luck to go down to the bottom of the lake with some scientists in some sort of submersible (that could obviously take a lot of pressure). They were exploring the bottom for thermal vents and such, and looking for the kind of rare life that Robert Ballard found in the open ocean. I think they were also doing some detailed mapping. Anyway, he said when he looked up the 2000 feet or so he could SEE the mother boat above them floating on the surface with the umbilical leading up to it. Now THAT is clear, my friends. I’ll never forget that.

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